Hope for HS Detroit Support Group

On Thursday August 31st we had a great turn out for the relaunch of our in person support group at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. We had patients, caregivers/loved ones, and healthcare providers in attendance. Dr. Qing-Sheng Mi, Dr.Itlefat Hamvazi, Dr. Steven Daveluy, Dr. Richard Huggins and Dr. Albert Young spoke about treatments, the benefits of support groups, wound care and how far medical research in HS field has come. We are in the process of planning more in person meetings so stay tuned.

Dr. Qing-Sheng Mi giving a warm welcome to everyone.
Dr. Iltefat Hamvazi talking about overcoming challenges with HS.
Dr. Steven Daveluy talking about hope with future HS treatments.
Dr. Richard Huggins talking about the importance of support groups and collaboration.
Dr. Albert Young talking about new HS research in regards to wound care.